Professional Interests:
1. Multi-scale modeling of two-phase flow and mass transfer in the flow channel and gas diffusion layer of low-temperature PEM fuel cells;
2. Stochastic reconstruction of porous media;
3. Direct numerical simulation of two-phase turbulent flow;
4. Phase-field modeling of ice formation;
5. PEMFC modeling and development in OpenFOAM;
6. Thermoelectric generator modeling in Fluent with UDFs;
7. Frost formation modeling in precooler with dynamic mesh model.
Inventions and Patents:
1. Patent Granted: An improved thermoelectric generator structure, Chinese Patent, ZL 2013 1 0481849.0, 2013
2. Software Copyright Granted: Three-dimensional performance prediction analysis software for thermoelectric generator (TEGModel V1.0), 2018SR1067593, 2018
Journal Publications
1. Z. Bao, Z. Niu and K. Jiao*. Numerical simulation for metal foam two-phase flow field of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (12), 6229-6244, 2019.
2. Z. Niu, Z. Bao, J. Wu, Y. Wang* and K. Jiao*. Two-phase flow in the mixed-wettability gas diffusion layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Applied Energy, 232, 443-450, 2018
3. Z. Niu, J. Wu, Y. Wang* and K. Jiao*. Investigating the in-/through-plane effective diffusivities of dry and partially-saturated gas diffusion layers. Journal of Electrochemical Society, 165(11), F986-F993, 2018
4. Z. Niu, Y. Wang*, K. Jiao* and J. Wu. Two-phase flow dynamics in the gas diffusion layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Volume of fluid modelling and comparison with experiment. Journal of Electrochemical Society, 165(9), F613-F620, 2018
5. G. Zhang, B. Xie, Z. Bao, Z. Niu and K. Jiao*. Multi-phase simulation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with 3D fine mesh flow field. International Journal of Energy Research, 42(15), 4697-4709, 2018
6. L. Fan, Z. Niu, G. Zhang and K. Jiao*. Optimization design of the cathode flow channel for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Energy Conversion and Management, 171, 1813-1821, 2018
7. Z. Niu, L. Fan, Z. Bao and K. Jiao*. Numerical investigation of innovative 3D cathode flow channel in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Energy Research, 42, 3328–3338, 2018
8. Z. Niu, K. Jiao*, Y. Wang, Q. Du and Y. Yin. Numerical simulation of two-phase cross flow in the gas diffusion layer microstructure of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Energy Research, 42, 802-816, 2018
9. D. Jiao, F. Zhang, Q. Du*, Z. Niu and K. Jiao*. Direct numerical simulation of near nozzle diesel jet evolution with full temporal-spatial turbulence inlet profile. Fuel, 207, 22-32, 2017
10. Z. Niu, R. Wang, K. Jiao*, Q. Du and Y. Yin. Direct numerical simulation of low Reynolds number turbulent air-water transport in fuel cell flow channel. Science Bulletin, 62, 31-39, 2017
11. Z. Niu, K. Jiao*, F. Zhang, Q. Du and Y. Yin. Direct numerical simulation of two-phase turbulent flow in fuel cell flow channel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 3147-3152, 2016
12. G. Zhang, K. Jiao*, Z. Niu, H. Diao, Q. Du, H. Tian and G. Shu. Power and efficiency factors for comprehensive evaluation of thermoelectric generator materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 93, 1034-1037, 2016
13. G. Zhang, L. Fan, Z. Niu, K. Jiao*, H. Diao, Q. Du and G. Shu. A comprehensive design method for segmented thermoelectric generator. Energy Conversion and Management, 106, 510-519, 2015
14. Z. Niu, S. Yu, H. Diao, Q. Li, K. Jiao*, Q. Du, H. Tian and G. Shu. Elucidating modeling aspects of thermoelectric generator. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 85, 12-32, 2015
15. Q. Du, H. Diao, Z. Niu, G. Zhang, G. Shu and K. Jiao*. Effect of cooling design on the characteristics and performance of thermoelectric generator used for internal combustion engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 101, 9-18, 2015
16. Z. Niu, H. Diao, S. Yu, K. Jiao*, Q. Du and G. Shu. Investigation and design optimization of exhaust-based thermoelectric generator system for internal combustion engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 85, 85-101, 2014
1. Z. Niu, J. Wu, Y. Wang*, K. Jiao*, Y. Yin and Q. Du, Two-phase Flow in the Gas Diffusion Layer of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, ASME Conference, Los Angeles, USA, August 21-24, 2018. (Oral and paper)
2. Z. Niu and K. Jiao*, Direct numerical simulation of gas-liquid two-phase turbulence flow in PEM fuel cell (In Chinese), National Multiphase Flow Conference, Guangzhou, China, November 11-14, 2016. (Oral and paper)
3. Z. Niu, Q. Li, W. He, Y. Huo and K. Jiao*, Design optimization of automobile exhaust thermoelectric generator for waste heat recovery, International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15, 2014. (Oral and paper)