Yue qi Luo

Research findings

1. Yueqi Luo, Kui Jiao. Cold start in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 2018;64: 29-61.

2. Yueqi Luo, Jia B, et al. Catalytic hydrogen–oxygen reaction in anode and cathode for cold start of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015;40:10293-307.

3. Yueqi Luo, Lei Zhu, et al. Size distribution, chemical composition and oxidation reactivity of particulate matter from gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine fueled with ethanol-gasoline fuel. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2015;89:647-55.

4. Yueqi Luo, Qian Guo, Qing Du et. al. Analysis of cold start processes in proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 224, Pages 99-114, 2013.

5. Yueqi Luo, Kui Jiao, Bin Jia. Elucidating the constant power, current and voltage cold start modes of proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International journal of heat and mass transfer, Volume 77, Pages 489-500, 2014.

6. Qian Guo, Yueqi Luo, Kui Jiao. Modeling of assisted cold start processes with anode catalytic hydrogen-oxygen reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 38, Pages 1004-1015, 2013.

7. Yibo Zhou, Yueqi Luo, Shuhai Yu et. al. Modeling of cold start processes and performance optimization for proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 247, Pages 738-748, 2014.

8. Qing Du, Bin Jia, Yueqi Luo et. al. Maximum power cold start mode of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 39, Pages 8390-8400, 2013.

9. Chun Guan, Xinling Li, Yueqi Luo et.al. Heterogeneous Reaction of NO2 on α‑Al2O3 in the Dark and Simulated Sunlight. The journal of physical chemistry A. Volume 118. Pages 6999-7006. 2014

10. Xinling Li, Chun Guan, Yueqi Luo, Huang Z. Effect of multiple-injection strategies on diesel engine exhaust particle size and nanostructure. Journal of Aerosol Science. 2015;89:69-76.

11. Yueqi Luo, M Jaasim, H G Im, W L Roberts. Modeling of ignition processes for diethyl ether (DEE) and ethanol in ignition quality tester (IQT). 6th Saudi Arabia Section of the Combustion Institute Annual Meeting, Dammam, 2016.

12. Yueqi Luo et al. Three-dimensional modeling of PEMFC stacks under subzero temperature operation, 12th International Conference on Clean Energy, 2012.

13. Yueqi Luo, Mohammed Jaasim Mubarak Ali, Zhen Huang, Hong Im. Effects of Injection Rate Profiles on Auto-Ignition in Ignition Quality Tester. SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-1695, 2018.

Work units and positions

Engineer, Prospective Technology Research Department, SAIC Group


Email    luoyueqi@alumni.sjtu.edu.cn