

(1) 2009.09–2014.07,天津大学,动力机械及工程,博士,导师:李献国

(2) 2005.09–2009.07,天津大学,热能与动力工程,本科


(1) 2016.06-至今,天津大学,机械学院,讲师

(2) 2014.10-2016.5,加拿大滑铁卢大学,机械机电系,博士后,合作导师:李献国


(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51876134,热力学碳泵基础问题研究,2019.01-2022.12,在研,参加。

(2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51706153,基于动态润湿模型研究PEM燃料电池液态水的传输特性,2018.01-2020.12,在研,主持。


1. Yanzhou Qin, Qing Du, Yan Yin, Kui Jiao, Xianguo Li*, Numerical investigation of water dynamics in a novel proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow channel,Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 222: 150-160.

2. Yanzhou Qin, Xianguo Li*, Qing Du, Yan Yin, Kui Jiao, Effect of wettability on water removal from the gas diffusion layer surface in a novel proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow channel,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38: 12879-12885.

3. Yanzhou Qin, Xianguo Li*, Kui Jiao, Qing Du, Yan Yin, Effective removal and transport of water in a PEM fuel cell flow channel having a hydrophilic plate, Applied Energy, 2014, 113: 116-126.

4. Yan Yin, Mingzhe Fan, Kui Jiao, Qing Du, Yanzhou Qin*, Numerical investigation of an ejector for anode recirculation in proton exchange membrane fuel cell system, Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 126: 1106-1117.

5. Yanzhou Qin, Qing Du, Mingzhe Fan, Yafei Chang, Yan Yin*, Study on the operating pressure effect on the performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell power system, Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 142: 357-365.

6. Yan Yin, Xuefeng Wang, Xiang Shangguan, Junfeng Zhang, Yanzhou Qin*, Numerical investigation on the characteristics of mass transport and performance of PEMFC with baffle plates installed in the flow channel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43, 8048-8062.

7. Yanzhou Qin*, Xuefeng Wang, Rouxian Chen, Xiang Shangguan. Water transport and removal in PEMFC gas flow channel with various water droplet locations and channel surface wettability, Energies, 2018, 11, 880-897.

8. Yanzhou Qin, Xianguo Li*, Yan Yin. Modeling of liquid water transport in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell gas flow channel with dynamic wettability, International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42, 3315-3327.

9. Yanzhou Qin*, Guokun Liu, Yafei Chang, Qing Du*, Modeling and design of PEM fuel cell stack based on a ?ow network method, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 144, 411-423.

10. Xiaoqing Zhang, Yanzhou Qin*, Contact angle hysteresis of a water droplet on a hydrophobic fuel cell surface, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 545, 231-241.

11. Yan Yin, Xuefeng Wang, Junfeng Zhang, Xiang Shangguan, Yanzhou Qin*. Influence of sloping baffle plates on the mass transport and performance of PEMFC, International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1002/er.4306

12. Yanzhou Qin*, Yan Yin, Kui Jiao, Qing Du*. Effects of needle orientation and gas velocity on water transport and removal in a modified PEMFC gas flow channel having a hydrophilic needle, International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1002/er.4116

13. Yuze Hou, Guobin Zhang, Yanzhou Qin, Qing Du*, Kui Jiao*, Numerical simulation of gas liquid two-phase flow in anode channel of low-temperature fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42, 3250-3258.

14. Yang Wang, Ruobing Zhan, Yanzhou Qin, Guobin Zhang, Qing Du*, Kui Jiao*, Three-dimensional modeling of pressure effect on operating characteristics and performance of solid oxide fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43, 20059-20076.

15. Yafei Chang, Yanzhou Qin, Yan Yin*, Junfeng Zhang, Xianguo Li*, Humidi?cation strategy for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells – A review, Applied Energy, 2018, 230, 643-662.

16. Yan Yin, Jing Liu, Yafei Chang, Yuanzhi Zhu, Xu Xie, Yanzhou Qin, Junfeng Zhang*, Kui Jiao, Qing Du, Michael D. Guiver. Design of Pt-C/Fe-N-S-C cathode dual catalyst layers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells under low humidity. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 296, 450-457.

17. Weikang Zhu, Xiangwen Zhang, YanYin, Yanzhou Qin, Junfeng Zhang*, Qingfa Wang, In-situ electrochemical activation of carbon fiber paper for the highly efficient electroreduction of concentrated nitric acid, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 291, 328-334.

18. Yingmeng Du, Yanzhou Qin, Guobin Zhang, Yan Yin, Kui Jiao*, Qing Du*. Modelling of effect of pressure on co-electrolysis of water and carbon dioxide in solid oxide electrolysis cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 3456-3469

19. Yafei Chang, Jing Liu, Ruitao Li, Jian Zhao, Yanzhou Qin, Junfeng Zhang, Yan Yin*, Xianguo Li*, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 189: 24-32.

20. Xin Liu, Yi Li, Jiandang Xue, Weikang Zhu, Junfeng Zhang, Yan Yin*, Yanzhou Qin, Kui Jiao, Qing Du, Bowen Cheng, Xupin Zhuang, Jianxin Li, Michael D. Guiver*, Magnetic ?eld alignment of stable proton-conducting channels in an electrolyte membrane, Nature Communications, 2018, 10: 842.

