
焦魁,天津大学讲席教授、博士生导师,国家储能技术产教融合创新平台常务副主任,英国皇家化学学会会士(FRSC)和工程技术学会会士(FIET),国际绿色能源协会(International Association for Green Energy)理事会成员与储能分会(Energy Storage Division)主席,国际期刊Energy and AI创刊副主编,International Journal of Green Energy副主编,Frontiers in Energy Research栏目主编(Energy Storage),IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Applied Energy, Digital Chemical Engineering, Energy Advances等期刊编委。


焦魁教授以第一或通讯作者在Nature, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Energy and Environmental Science, Science Bulletin等期刊发表文章200余篇,其中在Nature所发表的9页长文利用了所建立的仿真模型进行系统性详细计算,为未来高功率密度燃料电池设计提出了详尽的技术指标和路线,得到了国内外同行的高度关注和认可,被人民日报、科技日报、基金委官网等重要媒体大篇幅正面报道。

焦魁教授主持承担了国家杰出青年基金、优秀青年基金、牛顿高级学者基金、国家重点研发计划课题以及一汽、博世等企业横向等数十个科研项目。以第一完成人获中国内燃机学会自然科学一等奖、中国能源研究会能源创新学术一等奖、国际绿色能源协会技术创新奖、英国化学工程师学会 IChemE自动化与数字化提名奖和研究项目提名奖。获国家教学成果二等奖2项,天津市教学成果特等奖3项、一等奖1项,入选国家一流课程1门。入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,获霍英东青年教师奖、吴仲华优秀青年学者奖等奖励。





1.K Jiao*, J Xuan, Q Du, Z Bao, B Xie, B Wang, Y Zhao, L Fan, H Wang, Z Hou*, S Huo, Nigel P. Brandon, Y Yin, Michael D. Guiver*. Designing the next generation of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells. Nature, 595(7867), 361-369, 2021.

2.D Jin*, K Jiao*. Charging Infrastructure Intellectualization and Future of Different Automotive Powertrains. Joule, 4(8), 1626–1636, 2020.

3.G Zhang, Z Qu*, W Tao, X Wang, L Wu, S Wu, X Xie, C Tongsh, W Huo, Z Bao, K Jiao*, Y Wang*. Porous Flow Field for Next-Generation Proton

Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Materials, Characterization, Design, and Challenges. Chemical Reviews, 123(3), 989-1039, 2022.

4.L Fan, H Deng, Y Zhang, Q Du, Dennis Y. C. Leung, Y Wang, K Jiao*. Towards ultralow platinum loading proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

Energy & Environmental Science, 16(4), 1466-1479, 2023.

5.Z Niu, Valerie J. Pinfield, B Wu, H Wang, K Jiao*, Dennis Y.C. Leung*, J Xuan*. Towards the digitalization of porous energy materials:

evolution of digital approaches for microstructural design. Energy & Environmental Science, 14(5), 2549-2576, 2021.

6.Y Luo, K Jiao*. Cold start of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 64, 29-61, 2018.

7.K Jiao, X Li*. Water transport in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 37, 221-291, 2011.

8.Y Wang, C Wu, S Zhao, Z Guo, M Han, T Zhao, B Zu, Q Du*, M Ni*, K Jiao*. Boosting the performance and durability of heterogeneous electrodes

for solid oxide electrochemical cells utilizing a data-driven powder-to-power framework. Science Bulletin, 68(5), 516-527, 2023.

9.Z Bao, B Xie, W Li, S Zhong, L Fan, C Tongsh, F Gao*, Q Du, Mohamed Benbouzid, K Jiao*. High-consistency proton exchange membrane fuel cells

enabled by oxygen-electron mixed-pathway electrodes via digitalization design. Science Bulletin, 68(3), 266-275, 2023.

10.B Wang, M Ni, K Jiao*. Green ammonia as a fuel. Science Bulletin, 67(15), 1530-1534, 2022.

11.L Fan, Y Wang*, K Jiao*. Oxygen Transport Routes in Ionomer Film on Polyhedral Platinum Nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 14(12), 17487-17495, 2020.

12.C Wu, Y Wang, Y Hou, X Li, Z Peng, Q Du*, M Ni*, K Jiao*. Reconstruction and optimization of LSCF cathode microstructure based on Kinetic

Monte Carlo method and Lattice Boltzmann method. Chemical Engineering Journal, 436, 132144, 2022.

13.J Wang, B Wang, C Tongsh, T Miao, P Cheng, Z Wang, Q Du, K Jiao*. Combining proton and anion exchange membrane fuel cells for enhancing the

overall performance and self-humidification. Chemical Engineering Journal, 428, 131696, 2022.

14.W Li, Z Bao, Q Du*, Y Xu, K Jiao*. Open-Source CFD Elucidating Mechanism of3D Pillar Electrode in Improving All-Solid-State Battery

Performance. Advanced Science, 9(13), 2105454, 2022.

15.Z Qin, W Huo, Z Bao, C Tongsh, B Wang, Q Du*, K Jiao*. Alternating Flow Field Design Improves the Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel

Cells. Advanced Science, 10(4), 2205305, 2022.

16.J Liang, L Fan, T Miao, X Xie, Z Wang, X Chen, Z Gong, H Zhai, K Jiao*. Cold start mode classification based on the water state for proton

exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10(38), 20254-20264, 2022.

17.Y Wang, C Wu, S Zhao, Z Guo, B Zu, M Han, Q Du*, M Ni*, K Jiao*. Assessing performance degradation induced by thermal cycling in solid oxide

cells. Energy Conversion and Management, 270, 116239, 2022.

18.W Huo, P Wu, B Xie, Q Du, J Liang, Z Qin, G Zhang, I Sarani, W Xu, B Liu, B Wang, Y Yin, J Lin, K Jiao*. Elucidating non-uniform assembling

effect in large-scale PEM fuel cell by coupling mechanics and performance models. Energy Conversion and Management, 277, 116668, 2023.

19.B Xie, M Ni, G Zhang, X Sheng, H Tang, Y Xu, G Zhai , K Jiao∗. Validation methodology for PEM fuel cell three-dimensional simulation.

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 189, 122705, 2022

20.Z Bao, Y Li, X Zhou, F Gao, Q Du∗, K Jiao∗. Transport properties of gas diffusion layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Effects of

compression. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 178, 121608, 2021.

21.Effects of different loading strategies on the dynamic response and multi-physics fields distribution of PEMEC stack

22.A 1+1-D Multiphase Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Model for Real-Time Simulation

23.Interlink among catalyst loading, transport and performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: a pore-scale study

24.Development of photovoltaic-electrolyzer-fuel cell system for hydrogen production and power generation

25.Adaptive optimization strategy of air supply for automotive polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell in life cycle

26.Enhancing oxygen transport in the ionomer film on platinum catalyst using ionic liquid additives

27.Enhanced oxygen transport in ionomer films on platinum electrodes via a local electric field

28.Coupling deep learning and multi-objective genetic algorithms to achieve high performance and durability of direct internal reforming solid

oxide fuel cell

29.Numerical investigation on the feasibility of metal foam as flow field in alkaline anion exchange membrane fuel cell

30.Enhanced electrochemical and thermal behavior of lithium-ion batteries with ultrathick electrodes via oriented pores

31.Pore-scale modeling of anode catalyst layer tolerance upon hydrogen sulfide exposure in pemfc

32.Two-phase analytical modeling and intelligence parameter estimation of proton exchange membrane electrolyzer for hydrogen production

33.“3D+ 1D” modeling approach toward large-scale PEM fuel cell simulation and partitioned optimization study on flow field

34.Fundamentals, materials, and machine learning of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell technology

35.Multi-physics-resolved digital twin of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with a data-driven surrogate model

36.Three-dimensional modeling of flow field optimization for co-electrolysis solid oxide electrolysis cell

37.A comprehensive proton exchange membrane fuel cell system model integrating various auxiliary subsystems

38.Three-dimensional multi-phase model of PEM fuel cell coupled with improved agglomerate sub-model of catalyst layer

39.Multi-phase models for water and thermal management of proton exchange membrane fuel cell: A review

40.Experimental investigation on PEM fuel cell cold start behavior containing porous metal foam as cathode flow distributo



1.焦魁,张国宾,杜青,樊林浩,焦道宽,武承如,王博文. 多物理场传热传质基础与建模实例. 天津大学出版社. 2022.

2.K Jiao, B Wang, Q Du, Y Wang, G Zhang, Z Yang, H Deng, and X Xie. Water and Thermal Management of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.

Elsevier, 2021.


质子交换膜燃料电池水热管理. 科学出版社. 2020.

















2.2022 IAGE Technology Innovation Award for innovative analysis and numerical simulation leading to novel solutions for the designs of fuel cell

components, stacks and systems,国际绿色能源协会,国际学术奖,2022(焦魁;杜青;樊林浩;王博文;刘智;汪洋;包志铭)



4.Virtual Fuel Cell Simulation,英国化学工程师学会,IChemE过程自动化与数字化奖提名奖,国际学术奖,2021(焦魁;Jin Xuan)

5.Next-Gen Fuel Cell Engine,英国化学工程师学会,IChemE项目研究奖提名奖,国际学术奖,2019(焦魁;Jin Xuan)

6.车用燃料电池低温冷起动技术开发与应用,中国汽车工程学会和国际氢能燃料电池协会,第二届“氢能与燃料电池技术创新奖”二等奖,其他,2021(郝冬; 焦魁; 杨子荣;

张妍懿; 杜青; 兰昊; 刘智; 王晓兵; 王仁广; 吴康成)



















15.中国船舶重工集团公司第七一二研究所,PEM燃料电池电堆水热管理研究,2021GFW-0368,2021-06至 2021-08,主持

16.未势能源科技有限公司,质子交换膜燃料电池电堆低温自启动仿真技术开发,企业横向项目,2021GKF-0439,2021-07 至 2022-07,主持


18.上海捷氢科技有限公司,全尺寸单池性能仿真模型开发,企业横向项目,2020GFW-0694,2020-09至 2021-09,主持


20.博世(中国)投资有限公司,质子交换膜燃料电池数值模拟,企业横向项目,2019GKF-0597,2019-10 至 2022-09,主持